Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2011 ACBW Day #2: Samuel Adams - Wee Heavy

Boston Beer Co. / Samuel Adams - Boston, MA
Imperial Series: Wee Heavy
10% ABV, 12 oz.

The Wee Heavy is just one of the beers in the new Imperial Series put out by Samuel Adams. The series all come in four packs, and like the Harpoon Leviathan series, you can tell why.

The Wee Heavy pours a dark brown concoction, reminiscent of many porter style beers. It has a minimal, clightly brown/tan head that melts into the body of the beer rather quickly. The beer has a slightly sweet aroma. You can also pick up a hint of smokiness to it, as the brewing company uses some specialty malt. You can also pick up the rich caramel tones as well.

The flavor of the Wee Heavy is smooth, rich, and almost creamy. It has a moderate carbonation level, which adds to the richness of the beer. It has subtle notes of the peat smoked malt, which are noticeable enough to give the Wee Heavy a layered body. When I tried the beer, it was mid 50's outside, which was perfect for this Scottish-inspired beer. Its flavor was also similar to some barleywines, due to the higher alcohol content and slight caramel sweet flavor.

For 10% ABV, you would expect a heavy and full mouth feel; however, that was not the case with the Sam Adams offering. Contrary to the darkness of the brew, it was still a moderate mouth feel. Certainly not light in body, but not over-the-top heavy...you could say a wee bit heavy.

Although it is called Wee Heavy, there is a noticeable kick to it. One to two beers is the limit for me on this one, although it would be interesting to try it after aging it for six months - as suggested on the box the beer comes in!

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