Sunday, August 8, 2010

Boston Brewin' Homebrewers Club

Sometime in late June, I decided it was time to start a homebrewers club. I've been brewing on my own since December of last year, and have really enjoyed myself. I can't paint, I can't draw, but I can make beer. And so can some of my friends.

I knew that I didn't need an excuse to brew beer, and certainly didn't need a reason to drink beer; but, I thought if I were to get a group of people together and add fresh hand crafted beer, it would be a lot of fun. So, I made a list of people I knew who brewed their own beer, sent a Facebook message (if weren't aware, we have a Facebook page, click on the link on the right to view our page and "like" us), and waited to see who replied.

So fortunately, the response was good. Although not everyone was able to attend our kick off meeting, which was held last night at Watch City Brewery in Waltham, MA, there was a group of 10 people interested. We're going to meet every other month to share our beers, kind of similar to a book club, and in the off months we're going to plan some cool group activities like: brewery tours, beer store trips for tastings and finding new brews, group brews (indoor and outdoor), beer events like Lamb Jam, Bacon & Beer Festival, Beer Summit Oktoberfest, and the like.

If you, or someone you know brews beer and is interested in joining our rag tag group of (so far) guys, please drop me a line at While we have just begun our adventure, we are, and will continue to look for new members.

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