The New England Real Ale eXhibition, better known as NERAX, kicks off its 16th festival tomorrow night at the Somerville American Legion Hall Post 388 (located at 163 Glen St Somerville, MA 02145). They are slated to serve over 100 firkins of Real Ale and Cider, 50 British beers from England, Scottland, and Wales, and over 50 American beers - mostly from New England!
Unsure what Real Ale is? Click here to visit the NERAX website to find out more. However, if you know what Real Ale is, well then NERAX is the place for you. With four sessions: Thursday and Friday from 6:30 - 10:30pm, and Saturday 12 - 4pm and 5-9pm, even those going to multiple sessions will find different beers. NERAX expects to serve about 60 beers in all.
Tickets are required and it is best to purchase tickets in advance. Advanced tickets are $10 and are $15 at the door. Please note that admission price does not include beer. The beer prices are:
$6 for an Imperial pint
$3 for a half pint
$2 for a quarter pint
Beers and Ciders of 7 - 10 % ABV are limited to half pints, which will be $4.
Beers, ciders, and mead over 10% ABV are limited to quarter pints, which will be $3.
There is also a $5 refundable deposit for your festival glass.
For all ticket information and sales, click here.